Sosește devreme! Ediția indiană a celui mai mare și controversat reality show din lume, Bigg Boss, va deveni digitală prima dată de lansarea pe platforma de streaming VOOT înainte de premiera sa de televiziune.
Primele șase săptămâni ale perioadei de șase luni a „Bigg Boss OTT” vor fi accesibile fanilor în palma lor 24X7, oferindu-le șansa de a se bucura de un angajament direct și mai profund, de a se conecta și de a se răsfăța în mersul casa populară. Seria de șase săptămâni va începe streaming în august, înaintea versiunii sale televizate. Așteptați-vă la o alcătuire a unora dintre cele mai senzaționale nume, chipuri cunoscute și influenți din pânza de divertisment indiană pentru a picta lumea „Bigg Boss OTT” cu multă dramă, melodramă și emoții. De data aceasta, factorul „janta” îi va oferi omului comun puterile neobișnuite ale Bigg Boss OTT, permițându-le să aleagă manual concurenții și șederea concurenților, sarcinile și ieșirea lor în spectacol. Per total, noul sezon promite să fie o experiență unică pentru oameni, de către oameni!
An annual entertainer that has got seamless love from audiences over the years, Bigg Boss is one of the most anticipated and celebrated shows on the entertainment calendar in India. And this year, it gets bigger with unlimited drama and by extending its presence on a new destination, VOOT.
Celebrities who have had memorable and even career-altering stints on the show are also excited about this all-new format of Bigg Boss. Shweta Tiwari said, "I'm extremely excited to know that my favourite reality show is arriving early this year. For me, Bigg Boss was a life-changing experience. Not only did it let the audience know me beyond my persona as an actor, but ended up teaching me to be more patient, tolerant and yet assertive. It also gave me friends like family. I watch Bigg Boss every year, but I think that as an audience member, I am going to have more power than ever before to be the real judge of the show. That makes this OTT launch absolutely thrilling.”
Nikki Tamboli who finished as the second runner-up on 'Bigg Boss 15' said, "In a show full of drama, I was happy to be the uncrowned drama queen! Bigg Boss was quite an interesting experience for me, and my life changed for the better. With so many people with different mindsets, ideologies, opinions, and ways locked in a house, there is bound to be some friction. But what’s life without dollops of drama and some unexpected challenges, isn’t it? In its digital first avatar, I am expecting the show to offer its fans some unlimited mazza, and I am honestly looking forward to knowing really how over-the-top the drama gets with BIGG BOSS OTT!"
Meanwhile, Rahul Vaidya, who is all set to tie the knot on July 16 with TV actor Disha Parmar said, "I have been a product of reality shows. If a reality show gave me a chance to show the world my talent as a singer, Bigg Boss has helped me cement my space in the industry. But like they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder... I can truly say that it is one show that makes you realize the value of your loved ones and brings you closer to them. In a way, I feel BIGG BOSS OTT will drive the audiences closer to the contestants, and they should get ready for all the drama, twists, turns and suspense since Bigg Boss
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