vineri, 6 septembrie 2019

Exclusiv! Sanjay Leela Bhansali intenționează să schimbe scenariul „Inshallah” și să-l înlocuiască pe Salman Khan cu un alt actor?

De câteva zile trecute, multe rapoarte au făcut runde după ce Sanjay Leela Bhansali a decis să nu meargă înainte cu „In-shaa-Allah”. Proiectul s-a păstrat din cauza presupuselor diferențe creative dintre Salman și Sanjay. Cu toate acestea, în conformitate cu cea mai recentă actualizare pe care am obținut-o, este Bhansali are în vedere să continue cu proiectul înlocuind Salman Khan cu un alt actor.

O sursă apropiată de cineast a dezvăluit, „Un buget masiv a fost investit în procesul de pre-producție al„ Inshallah ”. Prin urmare, Bhansali intenționează să continue cu opusul său magnum fără Salman Khan. Realizatorul a decis să facă câteva modificări în scenariu și să facă proiectul așa cum a fost planificat.
Alia va fi în continuare o parte a filmului, dar un alt actor va fi condus pentru a-l înlocui pe Salman. "
The alleged tiff between Salman Khan and Sanjay Leela Bhansali has left their fans in a tizzy. It was reported that Salman and Bhansali couldn't get on the same page due to creative differences. Post which, Salman apparently decided to walk out of the magnum opus which broke Alia Bhatt's heart into pieces. And now Bhansali wants to continue Inshallah with Alia as the leading lady and is reportedly on the lookout for the leading man to replace Salman in the film.
Bhansali is apparently going to make a few changes in the script as a lot of money has been involved in the project. The filmmakers wishes to proceed with the film as planned.
"A massive budget has been invested in the pre-production process of 'Inshallah'. Hence, Bhansali is planning to continue with his magnum opus without Salman Khan. The filmmaker has decided to make a few changes to the script and make the project as planned. Alia will still be a part of the film but another actor will be roped in to replace Salman," a source close to Bhansali was quoted as saying by The Times Of India.
Later, it was reported that after Salman had walked out of the project, the makers of Inshallah were on the lookout for their leading man. And Shah Rukh Khan was being considered to be a part of it. Eventually, it turned out to be just a rumour.
It would've been a dream come true for Alia to share screen with Salman and that too in a Bhansali movie. Inshallah, which was supposed to release on Eid 2020, has now been pushed indefinitely.

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