marți, 3 decembrie 2019

Când vine vorba de problemele naționale, vedetele noastre sunt rapide să facă zgomote corecte. Câteva zile în urmă la lansarea cântecului lui Dabangg3 Salman a fost întrebat despre violarea și uciderea tânără a tânărului medic veterinar din Hyderabad. Răspunsul lui Salman a fost că tocmai s-a trezit și nu știe nimic despre asta.

When it comes to national issues,  our stars are  quick to make  the  correct noises. A  few days  back at  the  song release  of Dabangg3  Salman was asked about the heinous rape  and murder of  the young veterinary doctor in  Hyderabad. Salman’s response  was that he had  just woken up and he  doesn’t know  anything about it.
Sensing a huge  backlash, Khan’s  PR team  swung into  immediate  action.And   the very next day there  was a lengthy  diatribe  against rape and rapists on twitter which  read, “Chulbul Pandey@BeingSalmanKhan. Nov 30, 2019#JusticeForPriyankaReddy These r the worst kind of shaitans disguised in the human form! The pain, torture n death of innocent women like nirbhaya n Priyanka Reddy should now get us together n put an end to such shaitans who live among us, before any other innocent woman...(1/2)@BeingSalmanKhan
(2/2)..n their family go through this extreme agony n loss as this has to be stopped. Let betii bachao not be just a campaign. This is the time to let these demons know that v all stand together. May Priyanka’s soul rest in peace #JusticeForPriyankaReddy.”
This is  not the first time when Salman has been  questioned  about rape. During the promotion of his film Sultan he casually remarked, “When I used to walk out of the ring, after the shoot, I used to feel like a raped woman. I couldn't walk straight.”
The National Commission Of Women  demanded an apology. Not surprisingly  all the important names  in the film industry chose not to comment on the issue. However the damage was done. And Salman’s father Salim Khan has stepped in to apologize for defend Salman on Twitter.
However on this occasion Salman was able to  respond  appropriately and  just in time.

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